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The Better Stories We Can Tell Based on the Stories We Have Told: Cultural Storytelling

Cultural Story-telling

While traditional cultural stories may not explicitly address modern concepts of sustainability, they often contain underlying themes that align with principles of environmental stewardship, community well-being, and harmony with nature. Let’s explore how some of these stories embody sustainability values and how they can inspire the entertainment industry.

Anansi Stories (African and Caribbean) often highlight the cleverness and resourcefulness of Anansi the spider, emphasising the importance of wit and adaptability in overcoming challenges. In one story, facing a severe drought threatening his village, Anansi uses his wit and resourcefulness to capture the rain in coconut shells, demonstrating the importance of ingenuity and adaptability in overcoming environmental challenges and ensuring the community’s sustainability. These stories encourage communities to find innovative solutions for a harmonious coexistence with the environment.

‘The Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman’, a sacred narrative from Lakota Sioux tradition, conveys a profound message about the interconnectedness of humanity and nature. In this tale, two Lakota hunters encounter a mysterious woman who transforms from a white buffalo calf into a beautiful woman, known as the White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Credit: National Geographic Society

Through sacred ceremonies and teachings, she imparts invaluable lessons about the sacredness of the Earth and its resources. This spiritual narrative serves as a cornerstone for understanding sustainability through a spiritual lens, and the need for reverence and harmony with environment.
Greek myths often explore the consequences of human actions, emphasising the importance of balance and moderation.

The story of ‘Pandora’s Box’ in Greek mythology revolves around Pandora, who opens a forbidden box, releasing various troubles into the world, illustrating the consequences of human curiosity and the importance of responsible choices to safeguard environmental and community well-being, promoting a sense of caution and mindfulness in human actions for sustainability.

In the Japanese folktale ‘Momotaro (Peach Boy)’ is discovered inside a magical peach by an elderly couple. As he grows, he sets out on a courageous quest to defeat ogres on Onigashima Island, accompanied by animal companions—a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant.

Credit: Santō Kyōden

Through themes of community collaboration and the interconnectedness of humans and nature, Momotaro’s alliance with animals emphasises the importance of collective efforts to overcome challenges and maintain ecological balance, promoting a harmonious relationship between communities and the environment. ‘The Coconut and the Mango Tree’ is Filipino Folklore, and tells the story of a man who mistreats a coconut tree but treats a mango tree with kindness. The coconut tree refuses to bear fruit, while the mango tree thrives. The story teaches the lesson that respectful interaction with nature results in mutual benefits.

Passed down through generations, the tale emphasises sustainability by conveying the message that humans must care for the environment to receive its blessings.


Culture, storytelling, and folklore have been intrinsic to human societies throughout history, offering a rich tapestry of narratives that convey values, traditions, and collective identities.

Connection to Identity:
Traditional stories reflect community identity and values.
Contemporary stories explore diverse perspectives, fostering global understanding.

Moral Lessons:
Folklore imparts moral wisdom.
Modern stories incorporate ethical dilemmas, encouraging informed choices.

Universal Themes:
Folklore addresses universal themes.
Contemporary stories tap into these themes, transcending cultural boundaries.

Cultural Preservation:
Folklore preserves cultural heritage.
Contemporary stories capture and share unique aspects of cultures.

Oral Tradition:
Folk stories were passed down orally.
Digital storytelling mediums echo oral traditions for intimate experiences.

Symbolism and Allegory:
Folklore uses symbols and allegories.
Modern stories employ symbolism for complex ideas and interpretation.

Community Building:
Folklore fosters community and shared identity.
Contemporary stories highlight strength in diversity and unity.

Folklore evolves over time.
Contemporary stories embrace change while rooted in traditions for dynamic narratives.

Archetypes and Characters:
Folklore features archetypal characters.
Contemporary stories draw on archetypes for a deeper connection with modern audiences.


In 2024, ethical storytelling takes centre stage. No longer content with simplistic narratives, audiences demand stories that grapple with moral dilemmas, reflecting the complexity of the real world. From challenging societal norms to exploring the shades of morality, contemporary entertainment serves as a catalyst for nuanced conversations and critical thinking.

Folklore teaches us the importance of preserving cultural heritage. In the entertainment landscape of 2024, stories act as guardians of diverse cultures, capturing and celebrating unique aspects that might otherwise be lost in the winds of change. From indigenous tales to modern folklore, the entertainment industry becomes a curator of traditions, ensuring that every voice finds a place in the evolving narrative.

Can the stories we used to tell, help us tell better stories for tomorrow?

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Francis Mendy

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